From training KPIs to learning KPIs

Effectiveness in learning processes through predictive analytics and data-based tutoring actions

A joint work

AI-ML expert
I’m here and
I’ll do my best!

Learning Expert
She’s not here!

Indexes Expert
She’s not here!


Early Identification of Critical Issues

  • A model utilizing statistical indexes and predictability in the LMS platform
  • Statistical aggregated indexes system built upon LMS data
  • Identifying potential critical issues by analyzing design and organizational inconsistencies within the indexes (data derived).
  • Also through predictive AI (ML) system
  • Highlighting these issues early for:
    • proactive actions to be taken
    • optimizing the performance of the training system

A Model of Analysis of the Tracking Data

  • From the experiences of digital learning operators
  • A tool capable of synthesizing all aspects of training
  • A Macro Index of Performance (MIP) as a weighted aggregation of seven sub-indexes:
    • Results (IR)
    • Study Pace (ISP)
    • Course Structure (ICS)
    • Computer Adequacy (ICA)
    • Community Participation (ICP)
    • Educational Tutoring (IET)
    • Process Tutoring (IPT)
  • Weighted aggregation by quantifying company experience with an ad hoc AHP Bayesian model (Analytic Hierarchy Process)

A Model of Analysis of the Tracking Data

  • The sub-indexes are a weighted aggregation of different normalized variables
  • Normalized means \(\in[0,100]\)
  • Thus, every variabes, the seven sub-indexes and the MIP \(\in[0,100]\)

Macro Index of Performance (MIP)

  • A Unified Analysis Model for Training
  • Enables Comparison and Discrimination Between Course Methods (online, classroom, blended)
  • Guides Tutors in Differentiated Intervention Methods
  • It can discriminate different experiences and indicate the expected outcomes based on similar patterns

A Model of Criticalities

Experiments with LearnalyzeR

  • Using feedback from our first experiments
  • Analysis of critical situations using the MIP and sub-indexes patterns.
  • Also providing tutors with potential preventive intervention strategies.

A first course criticality definition

The behavior of a non-neglecting part of participants that leads to a course experience that does not satisfy their fruition, participation, times, and performance needs.

Criticalities Recognition (a second definition)

  • Different criticalities
  1. Criticalities from already known patterns using only course data.
  • Calculated during the course, and the course is already critical when observed.
  1. Predictive patterns of criticality with respect to historical behavior.
  • Calculated during the course, and the course is not critical when observed.
  1. Distorted use of times and verification of didactal units at risk.
  • Calculated only at the end of each unit, and then, it can be summarized only at the end of the course.

Three Classes of Criticalities

  • From previous definition, we identified three classes of criticalities:
  1. Participation (CPA), the access and use of course materials using sub-indexes variables
  2. Performance (CPE), the effectiveness of the training course according to the training plan using a Bayesian regressor to forecasting the final MIP
  3. Structure(CS), criticality in using educational resources with excessive use of time and expenditure of organizational costs.
  • We defined it mixing the expertise of tutors and LMS data (MIP, sub-indexes, variables)

Participation (CPA)

A Elapsed available time between 15% and 25%, not less than 75% of participants have a use time of less than 25% Reduced number of users who have started Reminder to Start
B Elapsed available time between 25% and 50%, not less than 50% of participants have a use time less than 50% Reduced number of users with significant progress Reminder to Study
C Elapsed available time between 50% and 75%, not less than 25% of participants have a use time of less than 25% Risk of drop out Reminder to Recover

Participation (CPA)

D Elapsed available time over 75%, not less than 25% of the participants have a use time less than 75% Users with completing difficulty Reminder to Complete
X Available time ended, at least 10% of users did not complete the course Incomplete course Extension or Recovery

Performance (CPE)

A Elapsed available time between 20% and 40%, less than 20% of participants with MIP forecast at the end of the course > threshold value Inadequate study behaviour Encourage effective study
B Elapsed available time between 40% and 75%, less than 50% of participants with MIP forecast at the end of the course > threshold value Study behavior at risk of ineffectiveness Make organizational proposals and give advice

Performance (CPE)

C Elapsed available time between 75% and 80%, less than 50% of participants with MIP forecast at the end of the course > threshold value Highly risky study behaviour Give organizational proposals, re-registrations / extensions
X Available time ended, at least 10% of users with end-of-course MIP below the threshold Incomplete course Extension or Recovery

Structure (CS)

Z At least 50% of the participants have fruition times greater than twice the time provided in the course design Inconsistent use of time, educational resources criticality Review course rules and/or design

Data based tutoring Interventions

Data based tutoring Interventions

  • Using the data-based criticality structure previously defined
  • We can define a precise structure of inteventions
  • We will give few examples

Participation Criticality Type C

  • Recover lagging participants
  • Identify cases of proper abandonment
  • Verify results and IT adequacy sub-indices
  • Provide study plan and operational advice to help them catch up
  • Report the importance of respecting the indicated study times for certificates and certifications

Performance Criticality Type Z

  • Identify lagging users, and check their actual completion status and the sub-indexes
    • Monitor participants’ progress to identify those who are struggling
    • Check the sub-indexes to determine areas where participants may need extra support

Structure Criticality Type B

  • Verify organizational times and conditions for the schedulation’s adequacy with the structure of the course and the expected complexity
  • Verify the incidence of technical factors

Identifying Course Criticalities Using LearnalyzeR

Visualizing the Macro Index of Performance (MIP)

  • The first step in using LearnalyzeR involves visualizing the median value of the Macro Index of Performance (MIP) by placing a colored dot over it.
  • This quick assessment helps to understand course performance (derived from previous courses evaluation by tutors):
    • Gray: MIP is not calculable
    • Red: Inadequate performance with many critical elements; MIP value < 50
    • Orange: Quite adequate performance with few critical elements; MIP value ≥ 50 and < 70
    • Yellow: Good performance with areas for improvement; MIP value ≥ 70 and < 80
    • Green: Excellent performance; MIP value ≥ 80

Course Criticality Examples

  • In this example, LearnalyzeR is used to identify the causes of course criticalities in a public administration course.
  • By visualizing MIP, sub-indices, and variables that make up these indices, we can understand the symptoms (diagnosis) and prepare targeted tutoring actions (therapy).
  • The focus is on showcasing the logic of analysis.

Different User Populations on the Same Courses

  • Median MIP values: Population 1 - 74; Population 2 - 65
  • Population 1 showed a homogeneous behavior in the MIP range between 69 and 78
  • In contrast, population 2 had a more significant variability of study behavior with a long queue on the left (towards low values of MIP up to 27)
  • Study behavior variability: Greater in population 2, especially for General Training and Updating
  • Engagement actions needed: based on participation criticality of type d

Detailed Analysis of Criticality

  • From another edition
  • Participation criticality: Type d, with sub-index Results having a median value of 50
  • Study behavior problems: Users had good IT adequacy but struggled with open sessions (variable open sessions is 60)
  • Engagement actions needed: based on combination of structure criticality and study pace issues
  • Forecasted MIP range at the end of the course: 70.6 - 85.8
  • Expected dropout rate at course completion: 50%
  • Macro-index forecasts are above the threshold, but not all users will complete courses

Systematic Approach to Tutoring

Impact of Criticality Detection and Data-Driven Tutoring Systems

  • A systematic approach to criticality detection ensures a rigorous procedure for analyzing behaviors and results, providing insights into course and participant performance.
  • Adopting a data-driven tutoring system allows effective modulation and analysis of the impact on effectiveness indicators.
  • By focusing on predictability and systematic analysis, tutors can intervene selectively in high-risk situations, tailoring communication to individual needs.
  • This data-based intervention system enables tutors to evaluate their actions’ effectiveness, guiding them towards the best solution for individual critical issues.
  • Our criticality model is explainable

Future Integration Features

  • Include tutoring actions in macro-index track, evaluating actual and systematic tutoring impacts on results
  • Study sub-index evaluation thresholds to better decode critical areas
  • Integrating extra measures for Results category with focus on:
    • Learning assessment analysis
    • Observed results/work performance
  • Improve satisfaction measurement through NLP analysis in didactic tutoring category
  • Add AI agent-based actions through an explainable framework (XAI)



A Criticalities detecting system

  • to support the intervention of tutors day by day through
    • predictive systems
    • analysis of participation behaviors,
    • redesign of courses.

Participation Criticality Type A

  • Verify login information
  • Check work contingencies
  • Verify IT adequacy sub-index
  • Verify results and pace of study sub-indices
  • Assess engagement and motivation

Participation Criticality Type B

  • Send reminders to inactive participants
  • Motivate participation for those who have started
  • Remind everyone of times and deadlines
  • Verify IT adequacy sub-index and study times

Participation Criticality Type D

  • Communicate risk of non-completion
  • Verify problems encountered
  • Highlight a possible study plan to recover and complete the course
  • Provide study plan and operational advice to help them catch up
  • Report the importance of respecting the indicated study times for certificates and certifications

Structure Criticality Type A

  • Act on people by remembering tips for effective and productive study
    • Refer to the tutor for personalized advice
    • Encourage participants to adopt good study habits
  • Remembering tips for effective and productive study can include:
    • Time management techniques
    • Note-taking strategies
    • Active learning methods

Structure Criticality Type C

  • Identify lagging users, and check their actual completion status and the sub-indexes
    • Monitor participants’ progress to identify those who are struggling
    • Check the sub-indexes to determine areas where participants may need extra support

Structure Criticality Type X

  • The course is over. Among the course completed participants, more than 10% have a MIP of less than 70 (empirically defined)
    • Analyze the index and sub sub-indexes data to identify areas where participants struggled
    • Use this information to improve future courses and interventions